Our Products

AGM Battery for Electric Toy Cars RDrive Junior EV6-6
AGM Battery for Electric Toy Cars RDrive Junior EV6-6

AGM Battery for Electric Toy Cars RDrive Junior EV6-14
AGM Battery for Electric Toy Cars RDrive Junior EV6-14

AGM Battery for Electric Toy Cars RDrive Junior EV6-8.5
AGM Battery for Electric Toy Cars RDrive Junior EV6-8.5

Our Services Print E-mail

Depending on your company's demands, we can undertake the whole scope of the work

connected with your export or import activities as well as some specific services.



We will help you to find partners in Russia or other CIS countries.

One of the most efficient ways of conducting the market surveys is your participation in exhibitions and trade shows. Upon your request, we will  prepare the schedule of the planned industry events and assist you with the visit.


Speaking different languages, knowing the cultural assumption and having vast experience in negotiating, our specialists will facilitate the realization of the most favorable terms for your trade activities.

We can arrange your visit to the country of your interest for the company review and face-to-face negotiations.

Проведение переговоров


We provide professional support in international contract preparation, getting customs and bank approval, control over the fulfilment of obligations by both parties.

We also offer to our Russian clients the purchase of imported goods without signing of the foreign trade contract between the client and the foreign supplier. It considerably simplifies the business for our clients. The purchase is carried out under the in-Russian vendor contract in Russian roubles with VAT included.

Контрактная работа


We will select the most balanced transportation scheme in terms of cost and time.

The most popular service now is 20-ft and 40-ft container deliveries from Asian countries to the European part of Russia through the ports of Vladivostok by sea with the further transportation by rail.

We carry out delivery of package freights from China through boundary transitions in Manchuria, Urumchi and Sujfenhe. The goods are consolidated in warehouses of our Chinese partners before the shipment.

Our sophisticated cargos tracking system keeps our clients always informed about the current goods location. So, they are able to plan their goods arrival date more precisely.

Доставка грузов


Freight insurance will cover the eventual losses caused by damage, destruction, loss without a message or plunder of any part of your cargos. Losses can be reimbursed irrespectively of the place of occurance - during transportation or in a warehouse. We will insure your consignment from all or separate risks.

Страхование грузов


During the Russian Federation border crossing, some groups of the goods come under to obligatory certification or require obligatory passage of the phytosanitary, sanitary-and-epidemiologic or veterinary control. Beforehand we will obtain all necessary certificates and permissions for unobstructed passage of your consignments.

Сертификация и получение разрешений


On a tight schedule we will make declaring of your goods and payment of all duties and taxes on customs. Our experts' consultations will help you to minimise the majority of risks and the costs connected with the process of customs registration. In case of dispute matters we will organise legal protection of your interests.

The place of customs clearence depends on the chosen scheme of delivery. Registration is possible in Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Nakhodka, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia and CIS countries.


We provide advertising support for our clients in promoting the imported products to the CIS countries and exported goods to international market.

By means of our wholesale Internet shop your potential buyers can study in detail the goods offered by you and to get idea of the cost, terms of delivery and payment. Our shop works both on Russian and on English website versions.

Additionally, we place our clients' ads on the  bulletin boards and in business catalogues both in Russian and in English. We also provide direct mail services on demand.